Best Saké Store in the World, Really

Posted on 01-16-2012 | Posted by bmountain | Posted in Sake, Sake Stores

At last year’s ICANN conference in San Francisco I was charged with selecting the theme for our customer appreciation event.  Recent parties by others in my industry had included a microbrewery by Directi in Brussels, a pub crawl by Verisign in Boston, and a Yacht Cruise by Demand Media in Miami (drink of the evening […]


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Best Sake in Brussels

Posted on 07-10-2010 | Posted by bmountain | Posted in Restaurants, Sake

Le Samourai Restaurant, Improve Your French Japanese Vocabluary

I hadn’t been to Europe since 2008 so I was delighted to learn recently that the summer ICANN meeting this year would be in Brussels.  I’ve been pretty behind on posting to Sake World with work being exceptionally crazy so I wanted to make sure to find and write about a memorable sake experience this […]


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Farewell to Ump

Posted on 10-04-2009 | Posted by bmountain | Posted in Restaurants, Sake

Mark S. Umphrey, 1958 - 2009

Mark Umphrey was my fraternity brother at Phi Gamma Psi at the University of Lowell. While I hadn’t seem Mark in quite some time, I was terribly saddened to attend his wake this past Friday. Later that evening we toasted Mark with good friends and sake and shared memories of the Ump.


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How Sake is Made

Posted on 09-12-2009 | Posted by bmountain | Posted in Sake Resources


Is sake a wine or a beer? Actually sake is neither, it’s a beverage in its own class. The sake fermentation process has evolved over thousands of years and is completely unique from any other beverage. While sake is based on rice, it uses a special kind of rice that lends itself extremely well to the creation of sake. This post gives an overview of how sake is created from the harvesting and preparation of the rice through to bottling.


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